Robla Preschool

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Robla Preschool Assessment 

Desired Results & Preschool Progress Reports
Robla Preschool is funded through California Department of Education's Child Development Department (CDD).  We use Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP-15) to observe and monitor your child's progress in all areas of school readiness.  The DRDP serves as a guide for us to make decisions about the activities we incorporate in your child's school program.  Desired Results has eight developmental themes which correspond to our program goals:
  1. Approaches to Learning & Self-Regulation
  2. Social & Emotional Development
  3. Language & Literacy Development
  4. English Language Development
  5. Cognitive Skills
  6. Physical Development & Health
  7. History & Social Sciences
  8. Visual & Performing Arts
Your child's teacher collects evidence through work products, photographs and observational notes to help illustrate progress in those areas.

The first Desired Results observation is administered to your child within 60 days of enrollment.  This observation is shared with you and gives us a profile of your child’s strengths and areas of challenge.  Our lesson plans are based on the needs of your children as measured by Desired Results and our own observations. Our second parent conference takes place six months later when progress is discussed with you.  At each conference, you will receive a copy of your child’s Progress Report which will include ideas for working on areas of need as well as expanding your child’s strengths.  Our program requires your attendance at each parent conference.


A copy of the Progress Report summary is included in your child’s cumulative folder. When your child moves to kindergarten, this cumulative folder is sent to their new school and contains information for their new teacher to use as they get to know their students. 


We are happy to meet with you any time to discuss your child’s progress and any support we can provide. If you feel the need to have an additional conference, please talk with your teacher directly.



Robla Preschool Curriculum

Language Arts & EL Development

Our curriculum is on the California State Adopted Textbook list and is selected to transition your child to the elementary school curriculum.


Robla Preschool uses Open Court’s Imagine It!  and Hampton-Brown’s Alpha Chants, to develop our students’ language arts skills.  Younger students work on learning the alphabet and sound symbol using the Alpha Chants program.  Classes for children moving on to kindergarten use Open Court’s Imagine It! program to develop language and literacy skills. 


Our lessons emphasize:  reading aloud, developing:  oral language, concepts, phonological awareness, letter recognition and beginning writing skills.  The skills we emphasize help our students move easily into our elementary schools’ adopted language arts program, Open Court.  We use Hampton Brown’s Avenues PreK to help our English Learners become English speakers. 


Preschool Library Program is a take home literacy program that fosters a love of reading in families. It is research-based and funded through First 5 and Robla SD.  It is a required component of our preschool program.  This program is designed for parents to read to their children for ten minutes every night.   Children, take home a book bag with books to read at home during the week.  You are responsible for this program’s materials and will be asked to pay if they are lost or damaged.


Mathematics:  Our school uses Scott-Foresman PreK children to help teach mathematics skills:  sorting and labeling, exploration of measurement, rote counting, number recognition, and counting with one to one correspondence. 


Science: Our science program is standards-based and emphasizes students’ development of thinking skills.  Each lesson consists of hands-on exploration and helps students expand their understanding of science in their world.


Health, History and Social StudiesOur classrooms incorporate health, history and social studies into the language arts curriculum we use.  This enables our students to learn meaningfully and experience the connections to our world across many learning areas. 


Visual & Performing Arts, Physical Development:  Our classrooms incorporate the “arts” which include creative dramatics and expression into our literature program. We use music and self-expression daily during our classes.  Students’ physical development is emphasized in the classroom as well as during outside time.  We have specific outside activities which develop students’ motor skills. 


Teaching Practices

Robla  Preschool is guided by these beliefs:

  • Children are active learners
  • Children learn best from activities that they plan or help plan and carry out themselves.